Friday, December 03, 2004

Rob Rock, Jacobs Dream and Century Sleeper

One of my favourite styles of music is power metal

Two releases i'm looking foward to in 2005 are by
Rob Rock: Holy Hell and
Jacobs Dream: Drama of the Ages

Rob Rock has 2 fantastic solo releases: Rage of Creation and Eyes of Eternity. His website can be found at

James Allin from Visionaire has told me recently that he is doing a gothic/doom metal album with Ian Arkley of Seventh Angel fame. Their project is titled Centry Sleeper and should be out maybe mid 2005. I very much look foward to this


At 6:40 AM, Blogger PetraFan007 said...

Holy Hell? Isn't that like a contradiction? I wonder what Rob Rock is trying to say with that. I guess we'll see.

At 5:50 AM, Blogger Exdroid said...

Rob recently posted at 'christian metal realm' about this it's all cleared up now. I can't wait til this cd comes out.


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