Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Incredibles.......Windows Media Edition

Finally saw this movie a couple of weeks ago.....Loved it!
The CG were awesome and the line between animation and reality seems more blurred than ever.....How much more can the advancement of CG go?

Been reading lately an article talking about the Windows Media Edition which is available this year. It means basically that one can have a computer that is in essence a multi media system....where one can watch tv, record programs, listen to music, interact on the pc as normal, and do a whole lot of things that normally you'd have to use separate devices for. I think this is obviously the way of the future.....it seems very clear.

I believe that the technology for this has been around for quite awhile....I think companies wait and wait before they bring out things - doing it more in stages because MONEY is the all important issue. In my opinion it should be quite inexpensive to have a computer that is used for all other home entertainment likes already and it should be available on a mass scale already. For someone like myself it'll probably be a couple of years at least until I may afford to upgrade my computer for these purposes.


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