Friday, November 26, 2004

Vangelis - Alexander Soundtrack

I'm looking foward to hearing this new cd by Vangelis. I loved his soundtrack for 1492 - one of my favourite soundtracks ever. I've read good reviews for this so far. It should be out in Dec/Jan 05 i think.
1492 was such an atmospheric piece of music...pity the movie wasn't as good as the music.
Vangelis has done some wonderful soundtrack music over the years. I also love his Blade Runner soundtrack, and the music he contributed to Carl Sagan's Cosmos TV series.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Finally a website

I finally put my own website online as of Thursday 18th November 2004

Just a few pages at this stage. Nothing much on there yet, and fairly basic, but it's a start for someone like me who has little skill in web page design at this stage.

I highly recommend a website known as
Len, who runs it has great articles and and his blogs are consistently interesting. He majors in the area of church reformation and i've read many of his insightful articles. Most recently i enjoyed the article - Towards a Theology of Public Presence.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Does God play Scrabble ?

Just been reading recently an article about Information being the key to life. It basically shows that information is a non material entity. Information in the cells of say a human body can be transmitted (as in reproduction) but the information does not reside in the chemical properties of the matter that carries it, just as the message on a piece of paper is unrelated to the properties of ink and paper.
Werner Gitt in his brilliant book 'In the Beginning was Information' quotes a scientist known as Claude Shannon saying 'There in no known natural law through which matter can give rise to information, neither is any physical process or material phenomenon known that can do this'(Shannon's Theorem 23). The only logical premise is that information is not a material property but a mental property. The idea of evolution therefore is ridiculous and insane. It is not logical and is a religious view that is scientifically unsound.

This brings to my mind a good quote - I can't remember who the quote was from but it was someone extending the famous Einstein quote by saying ' God does not play dice, He plays scrabble '

Also i have really enjoyed Neal Morse's 'One' cd. After only a few days it is a classic.

The first new issue of Heaven's Metal arrived a few days ago. Glad it's back. First time in 10 years. Even as a short fanzine it's much better than the boring HM magazine.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

New CeeDees

Well i got a couple of great new cds yesterday
1. Neal Morse - One - a great Prog Rock masterpiece ....listended to it twice through so far....very good........but i still like his last release 'Testimony' a little better at this stage

2. Ayreon - The Human Equation- a huge double cd release ....rock opera....I've only heard the first 5 traks so far but love it...

Should be getting the first edition of the rerelease of 'Heaven's Metal' mag soon a fanzine....about time it was relaunched..... HM Magazine has been boring for a long time, hardly covering any metal at all.

I'm also keenly awaiting 2 items from one of my favourite artists Celldweller. They are a remix double cd called 'The Beta Cessions' and a short DVD for 'Switchback'.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

First blog

Welcome to the blogpage of Exdroid - my first blog

Here you may find my thoughts on such various things as music, movies, creation and science issues and in general anything i feel lead to talk about.