Thursday, April 28, 2005

Vengeance Reunion......Rob Rock...Audiovision

Just got a DVD of the Vengeance reunion show done in 2004. They were a huge band in the christian thrash scene from about 1988 to 1990. They are now known as Once Dead (after the title of their second cd), because their former singer - Roger Martinez owns the rights to Vengeance and sadly these days he is a professing athiest.

The DVD was great ....especially for nostalgic value.

Have just ordered Rob Rock's new Cd - Holy Hell. Should be great classic power metal
Have also ordered Audiovision - The Calling - a hard rock/metal album in the 80's vein fronted by Christian Rivel of Narnia,Divinefire.

Other stuff i'm looking foward to includes a new cd by Jacobs Dream - Drama of the Ages.


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