Monday, January 17, 2005

The Corporation and Super Size Me

These are 2 documentaries I have watched in recent times. Both appeared at theatres.

The Corporation is basically about the way corporations control everything from the environment to peoples' food tastes. The Movie compares the psychology of a corporation to a psychopath. Some very interesting comparisons are made. I was not very suprised by much in the movie, yet it was a very informative, and enlightening movie. I thoroughly recommend it. It was just shown on TV here in Australia. I will check out the DVD at some stage. Lots more stuff on there apparently.

Super Size Me was a film about a guy who eats nothing but Mcdonalds food for 1 month. I hired this on DVD after not ending up seeing it at the pictures. This was a very good documentary as well. A good variety of information, interviews, humour, and call to action. The DVD had good extras as well.
I haven't eaten any Maccas since watching this.....Amazing! I've just been put off it totally.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Another year.......imagine endless more

Well......that year went quick. Never again will there be a 2004 !
I'm not one to really care about keeping track of years so much but this last year did seem to fly by incredibly quick. I'm getting tired of the endless weariness of the years on this earth, especially on my emotions. I need restoration to my soul if i'm to live a lot longer!
Imagine a world where you can live for hundreds of thousands of years and never get old. Books like 'Lord of the Rings' talk of characters that live for a very long time....I think when we read about things like that deep down we all really hope that life could be like that.....a long life without aging. In fact i thing deep down we all know it is just not right that we don't live for long periods like those!
The Bible talks about some people in the Old Testament living for over 900 years, and it talks about it matter of big deal! In today's world this seems totally ridiculous, but i take the bible at face value and trust that this really did happen, and because of God's judgment and the curse of a fallen world this no longer happens. I long for a future world where many people will be able to enjoy God's and each other's company for trillion upon trillions of years without death, or disharmony, without the worry of years taking their toll.....being free to enjoy the earth and creation.....and who knows even explore galaxies and the far reaches of a new universe without decay.

And on a lighter note..........

I've really gotten into a good album recently by
Balance of Power: Heathen Machine - A very good consistent power metal cd. I have 2 others by them - Ten More Tales of Grand Illusion and Perfect Balance. They had some good songs on them but this one is their best in my opinion. Every song is good, where as the past 2 cds while being very good in parts had a couple of filler tracks.