Monday, October 24, 2005

Neal Morse ?

Have recently picked up
Fear factory - Transgression - a solid album
Mike Oldfield - Light and Shade - nice ambient guitars, electronica

am heaps looking foward to the new Neal Morse cd ? in early November......promises to be a very fine prog rock album!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Long time ....

Haven't been posting here for awhile.....Time for a little ramble....

Picked up the new Jacobs Dream cd - Drama of the Ages
At first didnt get into it at all and only liked about 3 songs .....but then after giving it a few listens it grew on me and now i quite like it.....Not outstanding but a good solid power metal album ...akin to albums that were coming out in the late 80's. I still like their first album the most however.

Also have James Labrie's solo cd 'Elements of Persuasion' ...very suprising. I don't get into his voice that much in Dream Theater ....but he is very good on this album and most of the album is excellent metal with attitude! Highly recommended! I think i like it more than ......

Dream Theater's 'Octavarium' ....this new cd by them is good ...but not excellent ...but that's something very hard for DT outdo themselves. I like the cd. DT can't do a 'bad' cd, but it is definitely not my favourite DT album.

Looking foward to picking up other new music soon .....Pyramaze - Legend of the Bone Carver, Fear Factory - Transgression, Kraftwerk - Minimum-Maximum Live DVD ? ...and more cds...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Music galore!

Recently received the new Rob Rock cd - Holy Hell......very good power metal usual from Rob!

Also got the cd by Audiovision - The Calling .....great melodic hard rock/metal .....brings back that 80's feel. Christian Rivel has done 2 great albums this year - the other one is the Divinefire cd - Glory Thy Name.

Should have Jacobs Dream's new cd - Drama of the Ages within a couple of weeks.....I know i'm gonna love this album!

Also looking foward to the new Dream Theater cd - Octavarium coming out in June.....Keen to see where they go after 'Train of Thought' which i thought was very good, more metal than they've been before. I recently got the Dream Theater DVD - Live at Budokan - done in 2004 in Japan - This is simply a stunning DVD - pure bliss to watch such top musicians playing so many amazing complex songs for almost 3 hours!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Vengeance Reunion......Rob Rock...Audiovision

Just got a DVD of the Vengeance reunion show done in 2004. They were a huge band in the christian thrash scene from about 1988 to 1990. They are now known as Once Dead (after the title of their second cd), because their former singer - Roger Martinez owns the rights to Vengeance and sadly these days he is a professing athiest.

The DVD was great ....especially for nostalgic value.

Have just ordered Rob Rock's new Cd - Holy Hell. Should be great classic power metal
Have also ordered Audiovision - The Calling - a hard rock/metal album in the 80's vein fronted by Christian Rivel of Narnia,Divinefire.

Other stuff i'm looking foward to includes a new cd by Jacobs Dream - Drama of the Ages.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Some great cds.....Back pain

Just recently got some nice cds through

Protokaw - Befofe Became After .....nice progressive rock
Pyramaze - Melancholy Beast .......very well done power metal
Balance of Power - Heathen Machine - fantastic power metal....every song is good on this cd....I think it's definitely their best cd yet.

Been dealing with some terrible back pain recently. I injured my lower back playing tennis. I foolishly tried to do a serving style I haven't done for a few years - that is to throw the ball a bit behind my back and then arch my back as i attempt to come over the ball ......Well this was a bad mistake ...I tore muscles or twisted nerves in my lower back and i've been out of action for about 2 weeks.... some very bad pain and the worst back pain i've felt. I won't be tryin these serves any more.....The idea was to get good kick and topspin on the ball so that it is difficult for an opponent to return. I'll just stick to flat serves and slice angle serves from now on. I'm not as flexible as i was when i was in my teens/early twenties.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Long time!

Been almost a month since i've posted anything here.....Haven't felt the desire to post anthing......
Plus no one seems to respond yet.....I've let a few people know but nothing yet. Oh well, doesn't matter......this is more for me just letting out things onto paper ( in this case cyberspace)

Looking foward to getting a new interesting book ...should arrive any day called
'Alien Intrusion - UFO's and the Evolution Connection ' by Gary Bates ......should be an interesting read.

Well...nothing else to say bye for now!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Incredibles.......Windows Media Edition

Finally saw this movie a couple of weeks ago.....Loved it!
The CG were awesome and the line between animation and reality seems more blurred than ever.....How much more can the advancement of CG go?

Been reading lately an article talking about the Windows Media Edition which is available this year. It means basically that one can have a computer that is in essence a multi media system....where one can watch tv, record programs, listen to music, interact on the pc as normal, and do a whole lot of things that normally you'd have to use separate devices for. I think this is obviously the way of the seems very clear.

I believe that the technology for this has been around for quite awhile....I think companies wait and wait before they bring out things - doing it more in stages because MONEY is the all important issue. In my opinion it should be quite inexpensive to have a computer that is used for all other home entertainment likes already and it should be available on a mass scale already. For someone like myself it'll probably be a couple of years at least until I may afford to upgrade my computer for these purposes.